Your Wife Is Your Home Eye

If your wife show too much love to you, love her and don’t take for granted. All you need to know is consider yourself lucky for been her husband because it may be that she loves you so much to the extent that she doesn’t want any other woman take her rightful place in your dear life.
You must again consider yourself a very big lucky that she thinks you worth her precious tears if she cries for you. So, don’t think she is weak rather show her lover and care

If she is jealous of the other women around you don’t think she is insecure or because she don’t love or she’s cheap rather she don’t want another somewhere to take you away for from her.
If your wife says sorry when she offend you or you did offend her, let the thought of she afraid of you never come to your mind; it’s because she considers her relationship with you as a big chance that she don’t want another woman to have you.

Respect her as a woman to at the first accept your proposal to go out with you, be with you, eat & drink with you, die for you, take care of your children and never let them be what the world want them to be.

Pray for her as she is too busy cooking for you, washing your cloths, sweeping your entire house.
She worth to be your mother as she left her mother and her father be with you not knowing the kind of personality you are. Don’t ever compare her with other lady outside the street.

May the Lord God anoint your heart to understand your wife in Jesus name Amen.

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