Was the woman in John chapter 8 that the people wanted to stone really Mary Magdalene?

The Bible never specifically identifies the woman in John 8:1-11. There is no indication at all that the woman caught in adultery was Mary Magdalene. The first appearance of Mary Magdalene is in Luke 8:2, which mentions her among those who were ministering to Jesus. Here we learn that Mary Magdalene was among several women who had been healed from various evil spirits and infirmities. However, although Mary Magdalene has mistakenly been described as a woman of bad character and loose morals, there is nothing in Scripture to indicate that she was such a person. There is also no reason to conclude that she was the same person as the sinful woman whom Simon the Pharisee treated with such disdain and contempt (Luke 7:36-50). This could very easily be the same woman caught in adultery in John 8 because she came weeping out of gratitude to Jesus for forgiving her sins.
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